

How do you feel about massage therapy? Today we present to your attention very interesting facts about massage

  1. One hour of massage equals 7 to 8 hours of sleep
  2. More than 50 manual massage techniques are used in the world today.
  3. Massage can help to normalize blood pressure and heart rate.
  4. Massage increases endorphin levels
  5. The total area of ​​an adult's skin is about 2-2.5 square meters, and the weight of the skin is about 3 kilograms.

Skin area 2 cm2 contains: 

  • more than 3 million cells,
  • from 100 to 300 sweat glands,
  • 50 nerve endings,
  • about 1 meter of blood vessels.

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+7 727 300 34 00

For medical treatment, call the phone number:

+7 727 300 35 00