


Acupuncture, or reflexology, is based on the connection of internal organs and various biologically active points located on the surface of the body. Each of us has more than a thousand such points, although about two hundred are more commonly used. Especially a lot of them on the head, face, ears, palms and feet.

Pain relief without drugs

10 benefits of acupuncture

  • Suitable for almost any age (from 3 to 75 years).
  • Minimum contraindications (not prescribed for malignant tumors, exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute processes).
  • Safety, no side effects (subject to technology and asepsis rules).
  • Painless (with the introduction of needles, warmth, a feeling of fullness, tingling are felt, but not pain).
  • Convenience (1-2 sessions per week are enough to achieve the effect).
  • Fast analgesic effect.
  • Versatility (used for a huge number of health problems).
  • Increases immunity.
  • Rejuvenates, helps smooth wrinkles.

Improves mood.

Mechanical irritation of certain points normalizes the functional state of internal organs, and also contributes to a powerful release of endorphins into the blood - substances that improve mood and well-being, and most importantly - work as an effective pain reliever. Therefore, various pain syndromes are successfully treated with needles: chronic back pain, joint pain, migraine, sciatica.

Stimulation of active points after 15 minutes can relieve pain. Sometimes two or three sessions are enough to restore performance.

Also, acupuncture methods help with many autonomic diseases, such as headaches, poor sleep, increased irritability, vegetovascular dystonia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Acupuncture significantly increases the body's defenses and is effective in the treatment of most skin and allergic diseases.

Without pills: unusual remedies for pain

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, genitourinary, excretory and digestive systems are also well corrected with needles. And the method is also used to combat obesity and various bad habits (alcoholism, smoking), as well as for general rejuvenation of the body.

But, of course, acupuncture is not a panacea, and there are diseases that cannot be eliminated with the help of acupuncture. These include, for example, acute infectious and oncological diseases.

Simple and golden

In the arsenal of an acupuncturist there are a lot of needles, different in shape, length, width, and also made of various materials. Usually needles made of stainless steel, silver, gold are used. Which one needs to be applied, the doctor decides both on the basis of the diagnosis and on the basis of studying the patient's constitution. Even the simplest stainless steel needles do not cause allergies and are very effective. Especially if the doctor additionally stimulates their action by manual, thermal or electrical means.

Acupuncture will bring a positive effect only if it is carried out by a qualified doctor. Improper impact on biologically active points can cause a sharp drop in blood pressure, collapse. To eliminate the risk of infection, disposable needles are used during acupuncture.

Half an hour for the benefit of the body

Chinese medicine: the principle of an integrated approach, prevention and faith.

An experienced doctor finds places for the introduction of needles by touch. Or with the help of special devices. The needles are inserted in a certain order and direction, at a specific angle and, moreover, at different depths (from 5 mm to several centimeters). In this case, the patient does not experience pain, but warmth, aches, a feeling of fullness or tingling, as if from a weak discharge of current. The session lasts about 20-30 minutes. The older or weaker the patient, the shorter the procedure.

Usually prescribed from 1 to 2-3 sessions per week. If the treatment is successful, the frequency of visits can be reduced to two, and then to once a month. Chronic diseases usually require longer treatment (1-3 months). After the procedure, a temporary deterioration may occur, but this should not frighten the patient - after all, recovery often goes through an exacerbation.

Acupuncture Almaty

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+7 727 300 34 00

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+7 727 300 35 00