

An excellent prevention of colds in winter is a cryosauna. Also, the impact on the body of cold up to -180 ° C has a stunning rejuvenating effect and allows you to get rid of many chronic diseases. 

What are the benefits of cryotherapy

Cryosauna is the name of an installation in which a person “steams” in clubs of liquid nitrogen for three minutes. According to doctors, cryotherapy treats dermatitis, fungal skin lesions, and is successfully used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and rheumatoid arthritis. Helps to cope with diabetes and its consequences, psoriasis, eczema, allergies, burns, injuries, neurosis, depression, and sexual disorders in men. Cryotherapy as a health and cosmetic procedure has a beneficial effect on metabolism.

And during the procedure in the cryosauna, the body loses a large amount of energy: up to 3,000 kilocalories in one session. At the same time, you can lose weight by 7-10 kg for a course of 20-30 procedures. For weight loss, cryosauna is visited every day.

The rejuvenating effect of cryosauna on the skin and the body as a whole is very pronounced: facial skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out. "Skin like a baby's" is just about a person who has undergone a course of recovery in a cryosauna. Artificial cold gives a powerful lifting and anti-cellulite effect, improves microcirculation and skin turgor. From the cold, the vessels consistently narrow and expand, as a result, the outflow of lymph is normalized.

How are the procedures

"The patient is placed in the cryochamber for only 2-3 minutes. There he stands on a slight elevation - it is selected according to his height. There must be socks on his feet, clothes - cotton panties and a bra for women, swimming trunks for men. Although the temperature in the cabin is up to -200°C, a person does not feel cold," says Svetlana Zubenko. After the procedure is completed, chills and burning of the skin during the first minutes should be replaced by a slight blush and warmth throughout the body.

The course of wellness procedures - from 5 to 15 sessions per month. The cost of one session is 150-200 hryvnia.

Result: the effect of the "ice bath" is amazing. Fat cells are split, slags and toxins are released from the body, the silhouette becomes slimmer, cellulite is smoothed. 

Who is contraindicated for cryosauna

But it should be remembered that cryotherapy also has contraindications. These are severe chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, nervous system, urinary system in the acute stage. Severe pathology of arterial vessels - vasculitis, arteritis, Raynaud's disease. Thromboembolic pathology of the main vessels. Chronic infections (chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, adnexitis, endometritis, etc.). Acute infectious diseases (SARS, influenza, acute bronchitis, etc.). Acute and chronic blood diseases. Psycho-emotional unpreparedness of the patient and his negative attitude to this method of treatment. Claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces). Therefore, before signing up for the procedure, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Sanatorium treatment in Almaty

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+7 727 300 35 00