

Each of us has heard about the benefits of hardening since childhood. We were told first by our parents, and then by teachers at school, how to properly accustom the body to the cold in order to get sick less in winter, and generally strengthen our immunity. To do this, it was necessary to prepare for a long time, practice a contrast shower, dousing with cold water and other procedures. They are very useful for many vital systems of the body, but the cosmetic industry offers a much faster method. What is cryosauna, how does it affect our body, what benefits does it bring, and also to whom it can be contraindicated.


A qualitatively good prevention of colds in the cold season will be provided by the cryotherapy procedure, the main tool of which is the cryosauna. The impact of low temperatures also has a significantly rejuvenating effect, helps to lose weight, and at the same time get rid of many chronic diseases, like turpentine baths. Cryogenic procedures are not a new invention at all. Even in ancient times, people doused themselves with cold water, and could also jump straight from the hot bath into the hole in the frozen pond. Then there were many sayings and sayings on this topic. People knew for sure that they would be healed of ailments, but the mechanism of this recovery remained a secret for them with seven seals.


At the end of the nineteenth century (1886) a Bavarian priest named Sebastian Kneip wrote and published a book entitled "My hydrotherapy". This time can be considered the beginning of the era of cryotherapy. He was interested in folk methods of treatment, studied the properties of herbs, and when tuberculosis overcame him, he began to practice immersion in the waters of the cold Danube. He developed a whole method of healing with cold streams (Kaltwasserkur). Hydrotherapy is a part of medicine to this day, salt baths are a good example. However, no special progress in water treatment methods was observed after this for almost a hundred years. Only by 1970 in Japan, Dr. Yamauchi came up with a completely new technique. He experimented with low temperatures, down to -180°C. His research has shown that such exposure is not only harmless, but also brings significant benefits. Yamauchi created a special device for taking cold baths and presented it at a congress in Wiesbaden, only nine years later. This method quickly found its way into leading medical journals, and pragmatic Germans immediately saw it as a profitable investment. After all, the cryosauna worked and gave excellent results. Therefore, already in 1984, the Japanese invention began to be used everywhere in old Europe. Now there are more than a thousand health centers and clinics where such an ice bath can be taken without problems. gave excellent results. Therefore, already in 1984, the Japanese invention began to be used everywhere in old Europe. Now there are more than a thousand health centers and clinics where such an ice bath can be taken without problems. gave excellent results. Therefore, already in 1984, the Japanese invention began to be used everywhere in old Europe. Now there are more than a thousand health centers and clinics where such an ice bath can be taken without problems.


In fact, a cryosauna is an installation, a kind of reservoir filled with nitrogen. This gas is cooled to 140-180 degrees Celsius. To undergo such therapy, you need to prepare a swimsuit for women and swimming trunks for men. A person goes inside a special capsule so that the head and shoulders remain outside. Special gloves and socks are put on hands and feet so as not to damage the skin when in contact with chilled surfaces. The standard duration of the procedure according to the instructions is from sixty to one hundred and eighty seconds. That is, the maximum exposure time is three minutes. Cold acts on the surface of the skin, but does not penetrate inside, thanks to natural protective mechanisms. This completely eliminates the risk of overcooling. However, the body feels a shock, therefore it starts all the protective processes. Usually, doctors prescribe a course of cryotherapy from 5-20 sessions, depending on the disease, indications, individual characteristics, health status and other indicator factors. They run through the day. For comparison, one procedure in Moscow will cost from 1200 to 3000 thousand rubles. At the same time, many beauty salons offer trial sessions for 500 rubles, as well as discounts for a full course of 16-20 visits up to 25% of the total cost. As you can see, the cost of the cryosauna procedure is quite affordable for the average average person. Along with it, anti-cellulite massage can be prescribed. At the same time, many beauty salons offer trial sessions for 500 rubles, as well as discounts for a full course of 16-20 visits up to 25% of the total cost. As you can see, the cost of the cryosauna procedure is quite affordable for the average average person. Along with it, anti-cellulite massage can be prescribed. At the same time, many beauty salons offer trial sessions for 500 rubles, as well as discounts for a full course of 16-20 visits up to 25% of the total cost. As you can see, the cost of the cryosauna procedure is quite affordable for the average average person. Along with it, anti-cellulite massage can be prescribed.


In order to protect yourself as much as possible, it does not hurt to find out what happens to our body during the session. The patient's body is blown with air cooled with liquid nitrogen for a short time. But the brain manages to receive a danger signal from peripheral receptors. Then it turns on the mechanisms that make the organism survive at any cost. Blood actively rushes to all vital organs, causing the body temperature to rise. For some, it can reach the mark of forty degrees. It helps to destroy various viruses and bacteria in the blood. At the same time, the endocrine system actively throws into the blood various enzymes, hormones and other substances necessary for a quick recovery. The level of oxygen in the body is greatly increased. This leads to more active healing of skin lesions, wounds, relief of the effects of inflammatory processes. Blood begins to actively circulate throughout the body, which speeds up metabolic processes. Therefore, the cryosauna for weight loss has a very good efficiency. In parallel, toxins, toxins, waste and unnecessary substances are removed from the body. The brain is fixed on problem areas, starting to carry out the healing procedure, because it feels the danger, which in fact is not there. After leaving the capsule, the temperature returns to normal. which doesn't really exist. After leaving the capsule, the temperature returns to normal. which doesn't really exist. After leaving the capsule, the temperature returns to normal.


It is important to understand the details, for example, how often to visit the cryosauna, what to consider before and after the procedure. You can eat at least one hour before the procedure. After it, it is also better to wait at least sixty minutes before having a snack. Experienced doctors say that before placing in a cryochamber, you need to take an air bath for five or ten minutes at standard room temperature (18-25 ° C). To do this, you need to take off your outerwear and stay indoors in a swimsuit or swimming trunks. You should be given felt slippers or small felt boots, as well as natural wool gloves for cryotherapy. In order to avoid trouble, as soon as you don’t feel any sensations, it will become painful, unpleasant, you must tell the operator, who is obliged to immediately stop the session. Immersion in nitrogen with your head is not welcome, not because which can harm. Just like that, the operator will not see you, and such manipulations do not bring much benefit. Do not touch the walls of the cryosauna capsule. Keep your arms, hips or shoulders out of the gas supply area. The door of the cryosauna cabin is not fixed by anything, it does not have any latches or, moreover, locks. Therefore, at the slightest discomfort, the patient can freely open the doors and go outside. After a cryotherapy session, doctors recommend a few minutes of physical education. For example, you can do light exercises, squat, walk in place for ten to fifteen minutes. Most often, procedures are prescribed every other day, but with special indications they can be performed every three or four days. Efficiency directly depends on the regularity of visits to the cryosauna.


Indications and contraindications of cryosauna should be studied in advance before going to the nearest beauty salon. Advertising says that this procedure can solve almost any cosmetic problem, and also has a tremendous healing effect. But let's really look at things and figure out where the truth is, and where speculation and fantasies are.


The emotional background after visiting such procedures rises to heaven, this is an objective fact. The brain gets a real shock shake, throwing the hormone of happiness endorphin into the blood. Therefore, a person feels an upsurge, a good mood, a surge of strength. A sharp cooling of the skin surface leads to stimulation of smooth muscles. This leads to rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles, increased elasticity, and a jump in the production of collagen and elastin. However, the effect is temporary. The receptors of the body are trained, increasing the protective properties of the body. However, one must understand that the immune system remains hardened only if you visit the cryosauna regularly, or harden yourself in between. The procedure significantly improves well-being, therefore, many are confident that it improves physical fitness at the same time. There are undoubtedly benefits for athletes: the body is cooled, anesthetized, muscle stress is relieved, excessive overstrain. However, as an alternative to the gym, a cryochamber is definitely not suitable. Losing weight in a cryosauna is real. When cooling down, the body begins to use calories to raise the temperature, so fat is burned much faster.


As for real medical indications, cryosauna can be called a real find. She easily copes, in combination with medicines or without them, with such diseases that previously had to be simply left to chance. Chronic depression, fatigue, fatigue, apathy. Radiculitis. Psoriasis and many dermatitis. Acne, acne. Arthrosis, arthritis. Insomnia or excessive sleepiness (sleep disorders). Adenoma and prostatitis in men, infertility in women. Obesity. Prevention of diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular system. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Normalization of disorders of the sweat glands. Confusion and memory problems. This procedure is recommended for athletes who are undergoing rehabilitation after injuries or with a long break between classes.


Like any other health-improving device, it is a thankless task to abuse a cryosauna. If you just overdo it, that is, come to sessions very often, and drag out the procedure as much as possible, exhaustion of the adrenal glands is possible, which is unacceptable. Inflammatory processes inside the organs. Allergy to cold. Exacerbation of chronic forms of diseases. Elevated body temperature before the procedure. Hypertension, diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system. Diseases of the blood. Oncological problems in the body or suspicions that they occur. Nervous diseases and mental disorders. Infectious diseases in the acute stage. Tendency to thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.


Thus, an independent “appointment” of cryoprocedures for oneself can do more harm to the body than good. Moreover, we may not even guess about some health problems for the time being. Cryosauna has few side effects, they appear infrequently, but you need to be prepared for them. Redness of the skin. Mild itching. Increased appetite. Exacerbations of diseases that a person treats. To make everything go smoothly, visit your doctor, take all the tests, do tests and studies. Then you can be completely sure that everything will go without a hitch.

Cryosauna Almaty

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+7 727 300 34 00

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+7 727 300 35 00