

Lemon is a citrus that has long been famous for its medicinal properties. It helps to fight many diseases, improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and improves the tone of the body. Drinking lemon with water is a very healthy habit that will keep you healthy and beautiful.

The beneficial qualities of lemon water

This drink really contains many useful substances: potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamins C, A and the entire subgroup of vitamins B. Therefore, getting into the body, the drink helps to activate the efficiency of all internal systems:

  1. Water with lemon helps relieve inflammation and stimulate the digestive tract. It has a particular positive effect on the work of the intestines, weakening the harmful effects of toxins and chemicals.
  2. The drink has a cleansing effect on the liver, the enzymes contained in the water with lemon stabilize the work of the internal organs and help cleanse them of toxic chemicals and harmful components.
  3. Lemon water is a weight loss aid. Nutritionists advise all those who wish to correct their figure to use the drink.
  4. The drink helps to stabilize the immune system, having antiviral, antipyretic and immunostimulating effects.
  5. The optimal combination of magnesium and calcium in lemon water helps to strengthen the skeletal system.

Harm and contraindications

In addition to its positive properties, water with lemon juice also has disadvantages.

  1. It is recommended to drink water with lemon through a straw, since an acidic drink can have a destructive effect on the tooth enamel. In inflammatory diseases of the stomach, especially gastritis with high acidity, drinking water with lemon juice can provoke the appearance of heartburn.
  2. On an empty stomach, such a drink cannot be consumed by people suffering from acute gastric diseases.
  3. Lemon is a fairly strong allergenic fruit, therefore, water with lemon is capable of provoking the appearance of corresponding reactions in the body.
  4. With inflammation of the bladder, drinking a lemon drink is contraindicated.